JUST ONE LAST TIME, omg love that song, even though the person who sang it the voice abit off ah. Anyway today, was a really really really really really long day. From morning, had newspaper reading sesh with my babes. Then followed by malay lesson, LEARN ALOT SIA, boleh awak sayang aku ;), saya suka awak, that's all i remembered for the lesson, cikgu mas really damn funny la she. Then had econs, surprisingly I didn' feel sleepy?? Miss Cherie is damn hot. Had MOB lesson, apparently, teacher said that I was too noisy, damn you!!!

She say I answer too many questions! Answer question also wrong ah? hahahha fk man. Sad life. Enthu about lesson maaa.... Then had accounting test, which was so, I SUCK AT ACCOUNTING LA. Then went to have sogurt w dy and av. :P Now revising GP for da test tmr. D; Goodbye!
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