It's Total Defense Day! Say whutttt. Heard the siren, it woke me up. oh no, i'm not talking about the one being broadcasted around the country. The one whom I live with? hahahaha. So yesterday was valentine's day, and kenneth asked me to be his valentine. received many chocs, sweets and sugars from everyone. thank you guys. :) For PE, ran 4 rounds and then played catching. for GP it was so zzzzz that my face went zzzz. After school had council buffet :P Thank you council teachers! Then had interviewing session for many many hours with Yishan. We were interviewing council applicants. Some really cannot make it, some yes can good.
Thennn, after that, went to queue up at timhowan with abigail while waiting for Eliz and Megan. we queued for one and a half hours! Then ate alot ate so much, fat. Then, trained to home to bathe, prepare to zoukkk. Super crowded yesterday! Made new friends. :) Thats about it! Goodbye! :)
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