Wow have not been updating this shit for a long time, okay as in it's just a few days, but still.. So many activities went on. So lets start with last Wednesday, had school as usual, 2 hours of accounting was interesting, had 20minutes of econs consultation which was quite productive and finally general paper which was damn horrible cause we had to change seats. D; Went to have sogurt x2 for lunnnnchh with averil. :P MAJOR LOVE YOU JANICE. LOVING THE SOGURT. Thenn headed back to school for council, discussed about investiture, planned the formation and stuff, thank you Habib. After school, headed to sogurt again with Tyler :P ADDICTION HAHAHAH. Then went home! And went to thomson to have dinz with family!

Thursday was pretty much draining. Hate thursdays, all the subjects. zzz. So had gp lecture in the morning done by Ms Lee which was dammmn enjoyable, that lesson was the best lecture ever or what? Laugh non-stop, hahahha. Then had econs ah, had a test which was MCQ so it was fine. Then had mob, really wanna sleep, don't know what she is talking about, the whole time i was dreaming about food, like give me my pizzas already thx. Had accounting, Mr Cheng finished the budgeting lecture, AND HERE COMES REVISION TILL A LEVELS WEEEEE! Need all the revision I can get.
Mr Cheng said he saw my at holland v during the march holidays, hahaha stalker much? kidding, why always bump into him, like out of all the hundred plus teachers in school, every single time i have to bump into Mr Cheng, hahahha. Like at MBS la, Buona Vista etc etc. Then, went to have pastamania dinz with Bte Nasiman, so long nvr eat that, felt so shiok, like food come to mama, finally.

Friday, daddy went to Bangkok in the morning. So I had to transport to Jurong Central Park. Like cause we had MI Run, really damn nonsense man, I don't want what MI Run, I WANT THE SPORTS NIGHT PLS. CANCEL THIS SHIT, TYVM. Anyway, so took the train at my normal usual timing, which was like at 6.20am (supposed to reach Boon Lay at 7.45am to meet dy and hanan and av but in the end...), DAMN THE TRAIN DAMN THE FRIGGING TRACKS LIKE R U KIDDING ME, THANK GOD IT WAS NOT A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY, IF NOT CONFIRM DETENTION, FIRST TIME LATE FOR SCHOOL EVENT DAMN THIS SHIT, felt so horrible. :(

The train ride was fine at the beginning, quite slow but it was fine, then it reached Kranji, and it stopped there for like 10 minutes? FK YOU DONT MAKE ME LATE. Then I thought okay maybe it's just Kranji tracks. Scarly ah, stop again in the middle of Kranji and Yew Tee, I was like, major rolling my eyes, sighing so hard praying that I would not be late. Because it was already 7.20am. Like, okay la, there's still so much time for like 6 stations to arrive at 7.45am. Scarly mf train kept stopping at every single station for more than 5 minutes each time, like are you fking kidding me, I reached Jurong East MRT AT 8AM. Reach Boon Lay at 8.15am, fed up or what you tell me, fking hell 2 hour train ride.
Anyway MI Run was sort of redundant like everyone is walking, played touch rugby taught by Jill which was very fun. :) Headed to Serangoon to meet megan and we travelled to tai seng and to town, funny things happened, really really unexpected day HAHAHA. Then headed home to prepare to go to the airport to fetch my father. Went to the airport to have Popeyes with mum and bro, then starbucks then finally dad came out of the arrival hall at 11pm. Rushed home, rushed to change put make up and stuffs, and then HEADED TO ZOUKKK. :P Had so much fun clubbing w my girls, its always a good time!!

Next morning, woke up at 9am, lazed around till 11am! Did some studying and then headed out to meet Megan at Somerset, this lady shopshopshopshop, salute sia hahahah. And we headed to bayfront to meet up with abs, kez and sherrie! Did Earth Hour! AND I FKING HIGH FIVED JAMIE FOXX OMG, AND TOUCHED EMMA STONE AND ANDREW GARFIELD LOVING THE NIGHT SO MUCH I LOVE SPIDERMAN. Thank you Yizhen for the opportunity like this! Went home and then headed to Butterfact to club w my girls. Although the night ended on a bad note because yknow, i'm me, i suck. :( But nevertheless it was an amazing day! :)

Todat went to church and went to visit my second aunt, fking hangover headache not gone HAHAHA. OKAY GOODBYE! :)