I am so tired cum lazy to bathe, like I could fall asleep any moment now. The amount of will-power I'm using to force myself to be awake to post this, to do the reflection for Batam trip to send to Ms Gab, to do all my homeworks given since I was absent for school due to my Batam trip, plus I have to prepare the damn article for gp presentation. wanna stab myself yay. plus knowing the possibility of me contracting malaria?? Plus a level results released tmr, omg shoot me now, shoot me. plus ct results released tmr. r u fking kidding me.

It's like a huge wave of tsunami slapping me in the face, totally gotta party on friday, my borgeous. Cause we are, we are, invincible invincible, yes I have to be invincible to face all these challenges, yes jo you can do this shit. So today, went to my old church instead of Trinity cause they invited my brother and I to come back for their anniversary. Met some old friends like serene, james, andrew, etc etc. Got a free shirt yayy. Then went to SMU Open House with Averil (who was late) and explored the courses and the campus. Really nice facilities, omg the gym, damn tempting. I like how the uni is structured, plus the overseas exchange programme facinated me. After that proceeded to Makisan for dinz and then went for blood donation which failed cause they said maybe I have malaria need to wait for 4 months boo you. averil also.
Okay now I'm gng to post about Day 2 of my Batam trip. So woke up super early like 5.45am, in Singapore it was 6.45am. But anyway, Averil kept saying, "5minutes" "5minutes", refusing to wake up hahha. Then I called Hanan's room and then I woke them up. opps. But we supposed to meet at 6am for breakfast lea, in the end met at 6.20am. The sky was already damn bright. The breakfast was sucky, it was fried rice, some noodle thingy, sausage and potato, and cereal with milk and bread with kaya. I ate like sausage and potatoes and bread with kaya. 'yums' Wtf did I just eat, oily food. But that's what you get for paying only $40 for this trip. #nocomplaining.
Proceeded with painting of the 2 new classrooms which was super unsafe!!! LIKE FKING CAUTION SIGN SHOULD BE PUT UP EVERYWHERE YKNOW. The classroom floor was sand, dirt, mud, rocks and like we are supposed to paint the ceiling which was like 4metres high??? Use what? Think we can fly up and paint the ceiling ah. Siao. Averil damn daring, she use the ladder which was damn unstable thanks to the floor. I seriously clap hands for the builders of the classroom. Unsafe hard objects lying on the ground, we were so vulnerable to die seriously. But we still made it out alive. Then proceeded to the international school for the rich people.
Yes, the filthy rich. The school is like a total opposite from the primary school we went to. Airconidtioned classrooms everywhere, there was reception, huge school and stuff. Did my icebreakers which were a success, yay clap hand for me come. Then met my buddies, Vincent and Daniel! :) There are nice boys, younger than me by like 4 years, gosh I'm old. Then played dodgeball and the girls won! Played tug of war and MI LOST CAUSE WE NOOB LA. Our pe whole day run run run, where got time to train on strength you tell me. Went back to the primary school to continue painting.
This was when they said we were supposed to dilute the paint with water. I was like, "r u serious". I thought the thicker the paint the better?? Confirm cause they not enough paint, cheapo mamas. Then they diluted the water till it was like fking milk texture. So we were like using milk to paint the walls. yay how smart that is. The milk fking drip so much la. In the end also buy another bucket of paint. ZZZ. Don't know how paint works then dont anyhow la hor. But like maybe cause they poor thats why, I mean just have to voice out what right. Anyway, it was a good experience man! I really feel how blessed I am.
Find me.
Was playing a ball game in the bus w hanan, jeraldine and averil, and i lost, so I had to eat last for dinner. hahahaha. Dinner was as good as the day before. Deliciouuusussususuus. Had reflection thingy again and off to bed! I watched Bruce Almighty, and Averil fell asleep. So that's Day 2 for you! Goodbye!
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