So on 28th of April was my father's birthday! HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY! Like my father won't even see this (if he sees this, I'm so gonna die). So since my house reno was ready, I could move back home! Well, I overslept on Monday morning. opps. Actually I woke up at 5.50am one lor, then still had like 1 hour, so I went back to sleep, who knew, the next time I woke up, poof 8.30am. And I still lazed in bed. LOL. Fking lazy you know, fking lazy. Just didn't feel like attending school, no mood, no feel, I don't feel like doing anything but bury body in my comfy blankets. Went to take MC HAHAHAH. Fking waste money, I am so broke. :(

Then, went back to school on Tuesday, damn forgetful, FORGET TO BRING MY MC. Had econs lecture on monopolistic competition sosososoososososo sleepy. MOB was even more zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, how did I even survive, gimme some alcohol, that would solve everything. hahahaha, what nonsense am I typing. So, had PE, badminton! :D Av and I won matches! After school had investiture rehearsal! It ended at 6pm! Loving Ms Quek, she is really considerate, like ask us go home early and stuff, so glad to have a council teacher like her! *sense of satisfaction.

After that, went to sogurt to visit my sogirl, Jannnn. :D she damn pretty and hot, super super super hot. Then went home. On wednesday, accounting was quite confusing as usual, I feel so lost, like can I just give up on this shit. :( *Don't go wasting your time, don't go losing your mind* Spurring me on. Not gonna waste my three years of accounting lessons, seriously I shouldve at least learn something on accounts. Had econs consultation! Ms Cherie is damn patient. Then had GP, I really enjoy Mdm Yani's lessons, so entertaining omg. Had awards day and council investiture rehearsals after school, really dead beat. Headed home, headed to stay at granny's.

In the morning, hobo-ed on the road with my ex table partner claraaaaaa, miss her! Went to amk macs to meet my sexytan, dying there, bought breakfast! :P Then, we went to my house, she crashed here, sleeping and sleeping, sleeping and sleeping. Then we cooked luncheon meat with egg. LOL. So random hor. Then we watched Breaking Dawn Part 2, then we went amkhub to eat 18chefs her treat! and walk walk. HAHAHA, back home, gobbled up food and now I'm so fat. So going to sleep soon school tomorrow. :( Goodbye! :)
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