Prince Charming (Snow White)
Prince Charming (Cinderella)
Gaston (Beauty & The Beast)
Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
Pinocchio (Pinocchio)

Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)
The Huntsman (Snow White)
Rumpelstiltskin or Beast (Rumpelstiltskin & Beauty and the Beast)
7 Dwarfs (Snow White)

Mad Hatter (Alice In Wonderland)

Gepetto (Pinocchio)
King George (Snow White)
Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
Genie (Aladdin) who got turned into a Magic Mirror
Captain Hook (Peter Pan) who apparently in good in this show.
Baelfire (Rumpelstiltskin)
William Smee (Peter Pan)
Anton (Jack and the Bean Stalk)
Robin Hood (Robin Hood)
Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Wizard of Oz (Wizard of Oz)
Prince Eric (Little Mermaid)
Lancelot (Arthur)
They have almost everything! And season 4 is coming out on 28 Spetember! which is 29 September in Singapore ahhhh. CAN'T WAIT. SO NOW FOR THE FEMALE CHARACTERS.
Snow White (Snow White)

Emma Swan (Snow White) -She is snow white's daughter who comes from our world.
The Evil Queen (Snow White)

Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood) -I think she's the hottest girl in this show.
Granny (Red Riding Hood)
Blue Fairy (Sleeping Beauty)
Fairy Godmother (Cinderella)
Cinderella (Cinderella)
Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Queen of Hearts (Alice In Wonderland)
Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Fa Mulan (Mulan)
Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)

Tinkerbell (Peter Pan)
Wendy (Peter Pan)
Hansel & Gretel (Hansel & Gretel)
Ariel (Little Mermaid)
Ursula (Little Mermaid)
Rapunzel (Rapunzel)
And then on the last episode of Season 3..... Suddenly..... They showed this:

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