X-Men (2000)
X2 (2003)
X-Men The Last Stand (2006)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
X-Men First Class (2011)
The Wolverine (2013)
X-Men Days of Future Past (2014)
Gotta list out all the Mutants and rate my favourites, for fun, out of boredom hahaha!
My first favourite is ofcourse:
Dr. Jean Grey, also known as Phoenix
Power: Telepathy (Control Minds, Influence Minds), Telekinesis (Levitation, Move Subatomic Particles)
Next, Mystique, my second favourite!
Power: Shapeshifting, Healing, Age Retardation, Immunity to Drugs & Posison
Idk I kinda liked Rebecca Romjin as Mystique in the first four X-Men movies compared to Jennifer Lawrence but they were both great in the role of Mystique.
I love Rogue too! My third favourite!!!
Powers: Absorb memories/powers/personality, Indestructable body, Strength, Supersonic Flight, Sunfire Powers, whatever powers she absorbs she can use.
So that's my top three favs. So the rest that I'm going to list down, some are my favs and some are not but they are x-men mutants hahaha, just doing this for fun I guess.
Professor X. Don't really fancy him.
Powers: Telepath, Mind Control, Illusion Casting, Memory Control, Psychic Blasts, Sense nearby mutants.
Death: Killed by Phoenix.
Cyclops. He's kinda hot, one of my favs!
Power: Laser Beam from Eyes
Iceman. mehhh I prefer Pyro.
Powers: Create & Control Ice, can transform body into Ice.
Archangel. He is rich, I mean his father is rich so, plus he has angel wings, one of my favsssss.
Powers: Flight, Eagle-like Vision
Beast. don't really like his Beasty looks, old or young.
Powers: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Reflexes, Durability, Night Vision, Enhanced Senses and Claws. (The left pic is older than the right pic, i know what you're thinking.)
Polaris. Her green hair makes me think of green ivy. LOL.
Powers: Magnetic Fields to Control Metal, Energy Blasts, Forcefields.
Havok. he's pretty hot in the movie, I LIKE CAUSE HE ACT IN TAYLOR SWIFT MV, say no to him in the Hannah Montana Movie.
Powers: Plasma Blasts, Absorbs Cosmic Energy
Darwin. Nope, not my fav.
Powers: Constant Reactive Evolution
Nightcrawler Ew, I mean, they simply love the blue skin tone creatures.
Powers: Night-vision, wall-crawling, Teleportation
Just look at how young he was. "Go Fuck Yourself"
Powers: Healing, Enhanced Senses, Retractable Adamantium Claws,
Banshee ew.
Powers: Sonic Scream, Flight, Enhanced Hearing.
Storm. Yea baby, love her powers and her white hair hahaha.
Powers: Weather control (lighting, wing, rain etc), Flight
Powers: Nuclear fire, Flight, Immune to radiation.
Colossus, yes one of my favs!
Powers: Can transform into metal, superhuman strength, survive w/o oxygen.
Shadowcat, like how cool it is to walk through walls??? LOVE HER.
Powers: Can pass through solid matter.

Magneto, errrr yea? control metal, badass guy, gotta be my fav.
Powers: Control Metal, Flight, Forcefield, Strength, Agility, Healing, Psychometry.
Psylocke, didn't even know she existed. LOL.
Powers: Telekinesis, Psychic Knife, Telepathy.
Gambit, yes this is my man.
Powers: Explosive kinetic energy, agility, hypnotic charm.
Jubilee, don't know don't care.
Powers: Vampire-like Powers, Superhuman strength flight.
Bishop, well he only appeared in some parts of days of future past so I don't really know him.
Powers: Absorb Energy and change it into blasts, Bionic Arm, Time Travel.
Emma Frost/White Queen, she is literally diamond, who cannot love her.
Powers: Telepathy, Can transform into diamond.
Juggernaut, big wrestling looking guy, not my cup of tea.
Powers: Superhuman strength, forcefield, don't have to eat or breathe.
Warpath, isn't he the one who acted in twilight as the wolf.
Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, flight, durability, reflexes, senses.
Sabertooh, he's like the enemy of Wolverine so, no, never, ever, like this guy.
Powers: Superhuman strength, senses, healing, sharp claws, resistant to telepathic control.
Pixie, she joined Sebastian, so I hate her.
Powers: Flight, Soul dagger, Magic abilities, teleportation.
X-23, WHO DAT?
Powers: Superhuman tracking skills, heightened senses, healing, poison & fatigue immunity, adamantium claws & foot claws.
Blink, I like her because she's Fan Bing Bing hahhahahaa.
Powers: Teleportation, Slice targets into pieces.
Toad, grose.
Powers: Leaping to great heights, superstrength, poision, Elongated tongue.
I'm too lazy to continue kthx bye :)
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