So I'm busy planning the itinerary for my Italy trip next year, my parents wanna come along so, yea I don't really have a choice. Gotta book everything and I mean EVERYTHING right now, while its still cheap. So, it has been 9 days since I last posted, what have I been doing. So on June 11, went to da club with my hommies abi and megan, and met yishan inside, and met my ex schoolmate. :) andddd danced with him. hahaha. AND THEN I ENTERED THE WORLD CUP CRAZE, FK KEEP LOSING MY BETS DAMN SAD.

So Thursday morning to afternoon, lazed around in bed all day, like some fat ass pig, holidays are really the time when I put on lots of weight. Thats why I need school, it helps me lose weight. LOL. So, in the evening, went on a date with Arthur, he was really nice and all, but he was really boring. Like I cannot stand boring. I need someone to be on the same page and level, like I can actually talk to, without feeling insulted. Really. Anyway, so Friday, couldn't really remember what I did, I didn't club nah uh, no $$ hahahha! OHYEA mum forced me to go out but I was really lazy so I stayed home and y'know TGIF with my movies. Watched X-Men days of future past, what a nice show.

Forgot what I did on Saturday, (this is why I should update my blog like on that very day), my father didn't come home to sleep omg, he stayed throughout the night in the office till Sunday evening, damn his damned machine, better work next time. Anyway, on Sunday, caught How to Train Your Dragon 2 with my mum and bro, after church. hahaha! Bought sushi home to celebrate Father's Day! ITS A DAMN GOOD MOVIE, I WAS LIKE TEARING AND SHITS THE DRAGON MOVIE YES. So on Monday, hooray no school, went out to have Jap good with Godma and Godsister, need a little bonding time with my Godsister. Like, the last time I ate with her was like NEVER?

I didn't know she existed. LOL. Then chilled at coffeebean, brought my lil godsis around to find sweets hahaha. She's like 11 and from the same primary school as me, so we're like linked or something. HAHAHA. Ew, damn that school. So, on Tuesday, had my Job Shadowing at Barclays Bank. IT WAS SUCH A GREAT EXPERIENCE. Like, yea I'mma work there next time, Mr Rupert Piace was my mentor, (yea i know, angmoh cool right), hahahah! He was so informative, and I really learnt alot. Ate dinz with Adeline at Veganburg!
On Wednesday, ,supposed to teach megan accounting, she ended up playing with my nail polish and sims, and I ended up cleaning her nails and also playing sims. HAHAHA. And then, she had dinz with my parents, and I had to go for music lesson. D: Then zouked at night! :) it wasn't a good night though, I QUIT QUIT QUIT QUIT QUIT. HAVE TO NEED TO. So, on Thursday, had to attend 2 hours of music lesson because I skipped for the past few weeks. zzzzz. Then yea look, ITS FRIDAY NOW. NO MORE TGIF. I HAVE NOT STARTED STUDYING IM SO FKED. :( Anyway caught The Fault In Our Stars and cried like shit. hahahah.

Goodbye! :)
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