Hello hello hello. One more paper to go for Prelims 1 and I'm lefft with 2 more exams for the year. AHH YES. Okay, econs was fine. Tmr is accounting gonna fail like shit. HAHAHAH. Fuck this nonsense. I didn't even revise for accounting. As for econs I just did minimum, god bless me. :/ Anyway, what have I been up to? I made a remix, and stupid soundcloud keep deleting my remix like everytime I upload it for 1 minute or so. Because of the damn copyright infringement thing. Anyway, I pitched it up by a tone and it sounds higher but the the rest is still the same, check it out! https://soundcloud.com/jojusteece/shittierr

Ya you might laugh at the name but, it's shit. HAHAHA. Many of you asked why haven't I been to tgiw last week or am I going this week's tgiw or tgif. WELL SRY FOLKS IM HAVING A LEVEL PRELIMS?? What kind of idiot parties during A Level Prelims unless you wanna die la. I mean this wednesday is more realistic but I have circumstances that I may or may not go! Anyway, flying to Bandung at 9am on Friday, not Thursday I got mixed up! Hahaha, my post prelims getawayyyyy. Sadly, I think my period's coming and hence I won't get to enjoy that shit. :( FKING PERIOD LA zzz.

Need to inform the Ang about my absense. :/ AND GOODNEWS, I MANAGED TO POSTPONE MY MUSIC EXAM BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO ABRSM. Yes, some of you might have seen my tweets about not practicing and stressing over this shit. I'm going to try to study later after I bathe. Hopefully all is well. And I officially quit music lesson, fucking after how fucking long. So anyway Daddy went to Germany and I ate alot this week sooo KTHX Goodbye! :)
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