So I went to Bandung for 4 days and the school is giving me a hard time. Bandung was quite fun, everything there was cheap as fuck! Taxi 30mins ride is only $4! Food, clothes, accessories $10! I brought $700 to throw money all around the streets. Like when the plane touched down in Bandung, my self-esteem was x99999999. Why? Okay this will sound like a joke to you. I felt super rich. It was like I don't belong there but I belong there. What am I saying, I mean you get that right? People there are very kind and at first I was like being vigilant and all afraid that people might steal my stuff or whatever. (Everyone feels that way in a foreign country)

On the third day of the trip, my mum and I went separately from the tour group, we were lost in some part of Indonesia, seriously. No SIM card, nothing. All we did was walk on unknown streets and ask our way to the destination by WALKING. I think we walked 3 kilometers being lost and everything. You know what was the hardest part? It was raining plus most people there do not speak english. My mother and I could not understand any indonesian or malay, we felt like lost sheep. Jesus was totally our google map, he kept us safe till we got back to our hotel! I know you will think, "why not they just take a bus or train or a taxi to he hotel". First things first, where the hell is the damn bus? or the damn train station? Sorry to say but they do not have any proper transportation system, no bus or train there. (I mean except tour buses.)

Taxi? The only reliable taxi there is blue bird, my mother and I waited for a blue bird taxi for like forever. The other taxis will take you to nowhere round and round and round and cheat your money. Did not bring much cash that day, and spent most of my 7 million dollars (rupiah ahh) HAHAHA. Food is good and super cheap there though! Caught World Cup there was well! YAY GERMANY. Anyway, in Bandung there ware many people begging for money, the tour guide said, "don't give them money because they will use it to buy drugs instead". But like they damn poor thing... And on the second day night, while our tour bus was travelling back to the hotel while it was also raining. Suddenly one shemale danced infront of our bus in the rain then asked for money. I was like "errrrrrrrr". But its a totally new experience, we don't get this in Singapore, thank God!

I rode a horse, visited a volcano, a hot spring, shopped till I dropped blablabla, a super fun trip! Love the people there! I felt safer to know that it was y'know ramadhan :/, so people won't cheat us or anything... Sorry if I offended anyone about the rich part, because back in Singapore, I'm not a beauty queen, just some average girl walking along the streets with so many pretty friends like my sexytan etc etc, i'm not the fairest, I don't dress up decently in Singapore (couldn't care less how ugly I look in school now I'm just like, "lets get this 3 months done and over with."), I'm so full of fats here and I'm not rich just average. :( Reality slaps me back in the face after my trip.

So anyway, having a really hard time with the school now. 3 Invalid reasons for 3 days of absence from school. 4th invalid reason coming up because of my music exam the school said that's not a valid reason, seriously? I fucking went for music exam in year one and it was a dam valid reason don't come and tell me what not valid reason all Mr Adrian Tan. Really want to complain to MOE, I'm not playing truancy, I have been a well behaved student for my 3 years in this school. I have never been late for school before at all, zero record of my name being down for detention, served the school well in council, planned events successfully, did my homework and everything, promoted yearly, studied for my exams.. These invalid reasons have explanations seriously, whole day getting on my nerves. Why is this an invalid reason when last year and the year before ITS VALID? What system is the school running? Is this a joke huh?

Now the timetable also like, so many damn breaks in between, am I supposed to use that time to study because I can only study at home la wlao ughhh. School on Tuesday and Thursday from 8am-5.30pm. Thats like fucking almost 10 hours spent in school including 5 breaks (40 minutes each) on Tuesday, by the time I reach home it's 7.30pm. By the time I eat and shower, it's 8.30pm. By the time I finish my homework it's almost 10pm. By the time I want to revise a little, am I supposed to sleep at 12midnight without any leisure activities, are you fucking crazy?

So the school is not doing well in exams, have you ever considered changing the fucking timetable to end school earlier to look at the motivational levels of the students? Still teach us self-esteem, motivation to study and all. I feel so stressed that I need to vent everything here, plus I'm on my period so sorry guys if I offended you. To be honest this school gave me many opportunities and everything, its really good but the management really sucks I think. I mean Mrs Tan, Mr Azman, Mrs Koh and the new guy dk add one extra vp for what like suddenly pop up one new vp, they are all super nice and critical in planning, I think it's the middle management whose not really putting in their best effort from my point of view. Like why are you taking away cafe space to extend the staffroom. Already no place to sit during break still want to what extend the staffroom. Add more teachers also no use, not enough classrooms to use still have to extend our timetable.

Anyway, okay I've said my part. Asthma sia really, made a scene in class today in Mr Ser's face. :( Sorry Mr Ser but I really hate unreasonable people. Like I there are actual adults as students in the school and yet you're treating these adults like kids dafug are you playing. Like the last time I've thrown a fit at anyone was I don't even remember, really super pissed. Anyway that pic was the dinner I had with Clement last Wednesday! Goodbye! :)
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