Monday 2 June 2014

Second Interest

It has been a week and today, it's the first week of the June holidays! :D Happy or happy. Which means I'm going to turn nineteen in 8 days... So, on Tuesday, school was like normal I guess, well, it was Megan's birthday, so I guess it was a special day. Well, I went shopping after school. So, Wednesday, had GP Prelim Exam, major YOLO-ed for every single GP exam, why the fuck did I sign up for that shit, ughhhhh. Sometimes, the decisions I make are like ew. What was I thinking?? This happens alot, for school, for love, for food, goodness. Had to attend focus group discussion after school, and then 3 hours of extra MOB class booooooo. D:

So, zoukkked on Wednesday w meg, abi, kez and megan's friends! It was quite fun, fun fun fun fun looking forward to the weekend. :P Sosososo, went to school the next day feeling like I've just shoved my face into the surface of a BBQ pit. The headache, fking eat eat rave sickbay, all day everyday in school. LOL. And then can't really remember what I did later on that day. Friday, SKIPPIDY SKIP SCHOOL. That's my forte. Went to meet Dy and Hanan at plaza sing to have lunch and stuff. :P Averil came after some wedding and Sheralyn showed up unexpectedly. my sherrrrr. miss her or what.

Caught Maleficent! ANGELINA JOLIE FKING ASS HOT. I like her character. So good yet so evil yet so wooshy. Idk what kind expression was that but it's something like, 'fetch'. So, Friday night, really didn't want to club at all, like I even told Sheralyn, dy and averil and hanan, "nono, today confirm won't club cause I club on wednesday ready, serious!". And they'd be like, "yes i 'believe' you." Wanted to go to bed after playing sims till I checked my phone at 11.45pm. "GOT GL, FREE ENTRY FREE DRINKS FREE CAB". My fingers automatically typed, "lets go". And off megan and I went to zoukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. But I mean, doesn't this always happen. LOL.

And then, Saturday morning, my mother was like, "why so late wake up." LOL. Opps, what you expect me to do? Wake up and die ah. LOL. So, went for econs tuition, and was surprised to see Marcella! Hahaha we sat today and were complaining about stuffs. Went to shop and bought $220 worth of clothes, sounds like alot but I only bought a blazer and a dress. fml. broke as shit. needa claim from my parents. Sunday, went to church and ate fish for dinner the end. My sims damn fucked up, I keep forgetting to save, and so, 4 hours of work on sims gone just like that, wanna slap myself. Goodbye!

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